Thursday, October 31, 2002
Gary Price has created a compilation of links for election day, including several online election guides.
Poynter's David Sheddon has prepared a list of resources for Halloween.
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
I've seen several links recently to Footnote TV, the site which backgrounds issues brought up in episodes of recent popular TV series like The Sopranos and The West Wing; but what I find even more interesting is the website behind it, Newsaic. This site, by journalist and attorney Stephen Lee, is an ambitious attempt to explain the news. All info is well-documented and footnoted; topics include important court cases, international crises, smallpox, etc. A fascinating site for news junkies or students.
The Haitian Embassy in Washington now provides current materials from the Haitian government, as well as a good collections of links on Haiti.
The refugee landing in Miami is also covered on Yahoo! Full Coverage.
The Herald's editorial cartoonist Jim Morin comes up with a perfect solution to the Iraq crisis.....
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Take the Dialect survey, or just view maps of responses. This is interesting, but seems the answers would have been clearer a generation ago.....(from Boing Boing).
...As a boatload of Haitians jumps into the Bay and wades ashore on Rickenbacker Causeway....
Monday, October 28, 2002
Miami Herald executive editor Tom Fiedler writes about his trip to Cuba with ASNE (on Poynter website). Herald reporters haven't been allowed in Cuba for years. Is this a new era?
The Herald's Marika Lynch reports on John Allen Muhammad's doings in Trinidad, and immigration problems at Miami International Airport...
In other news, there's a new layout at Derek Willis' The Scoop, including a database of past links by categories. Links under Journalism and Data lead to great stories and projects from papers nationwide.
The St. Paul Pioneer Press is doing a weblog on the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone.
And just for fun...The Greasy Spoon Cafe is a glimpse of life in the ' England. Have a cup of tea with eggs and chips?
Saturday, October 26, 2002
It was a wild week for news. Researchers at the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, Seattle papers must have been busy trying to find background. The Minnesota papers dealing with the Wellstone crash. And the terrible events in Moscow. For awhile it's nice not to have any news in Florida, aside from the short residence of Lee Malvo and the gubernatorial campaign.
Great work has been done on John Allen Muhammad and Malvo. Amazing how much has been found, and that much of it was already available on Smoking Gun by yesterday. Findlaw has also been posting documents. What a great service these websites provide. Knight Ridder has been pulling stories and backgrounders together on a sniper page running on all the Real Cities sites, and it adds the Camden angle from Philadelphia. Coverage from the New York Times, Washington Post, of course, has been extraordinary.
And the useful links:
Public Records: no links this week.
Friday, October 25, 2002
Thursday, October 24, 2002, just launched after a merger of sites from Project for Excellence in Journalism and Committee of Concerned Journalists. The site has journalism news, links to job sites and j-schools, media links and studies.
Howard Rheingold was on the Diane Rehm show this morning. Archive will be available at Diane Rehm show website. This one is definitely worth listening to.
I tried re-posting just now and both posts from yesterday are now there, along with the archive pages. Hope that's the end of that....(well, not quite, as now only two of the archive pages are there. I'd say Blogger is having some problems....thankfully I saved all the archives to my home computer last weekend so I could restore -somewhere- someday.)
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
So the last post never appeared on the page and several weeks of the archive are missing. Are these temporary Blogger errors, or permanent?
The Florida Sunshine Coalition is fighting for a proposed constitutional amendment that will stop the continual stream of exemptions which have been eroding the original 1992 Sunshine Amendment which guaranteed access to public records for all Floridians. The Coalition, with help from the Brechner Center, First Amendment Foundation, and other groups, has information about freedom of information in Florida, editorials, and a Sunshine Coalition Listserv. Sign up!
The Washington Post has put digital copies of its 1962 editions covering the crisis online. Daily coverage from the new digital archive will continue for eight days at The Cuban Missile Crisis.
Remember the hint from a blogger that suggested putting ingredients into Google and seeing what recipes come up? Tara Calashain has written a little Google program that makes it easier, since it only searches known recipe collections. Try it at Cookin' with Google.
For even more cooking fun, Tara pointed to Cooks Muse recently, and it's a great idea. For cooks like me who use recipes just as a starting point, you can choose a type of food, say fish filets, and get lots of great hints on
different cooking methods and ingredients, without exact measurements/directions. Like: "FISH TACOS -- Fry pieces of scrod or any firm white fish fillets, dredged in seasoned flour. Fill prepared tacos with fish topped with a cabbage salsa: Grated cabbage, chopped tomatoes, minced jalapeno, minced onion, lime juice and olive oil." or "ORANGE SAUCE -- Sautéed onion, fish stock, dry white wine, orange slices, capers, black peppercorns and heavy cream or creme fraiche. Good over grilled or poached fillets."
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
For coverage of the Florida gubernatorial campaign (and other races) , here are links to Election 2002 sites from the major newspapers in Florida: Miami Herald; St. Pete Times; Tamba Trib; Sun Sentinel (local candidate profiles only); Palm Beach Post; Orlando Sentinel; Tallahassee Democrat.
Florida Today reports that the sniper victim from the Ashland restaurant shooting is from Melbourne FL, but they have decided not to report his name. They've posted a poll asking for reaction to the decision. This will be interesting....
Yahoo! picks Iraq Journal, reports from Iraq "coordinated by independent journalist Jeremy Scahill" and put together by staff at community radio station WORT in Madison, Wisc. Links include news, audio and video, and links to sites with alternative views of Iraq. Reports are filed from Baghdad by Jeremy Scahill and Jacquie Soohen.
Monday, October 21, 2002
The Richmond Times-Dispatch becomes a paper of record in the sniper story...
Good Bali bombing links from Guardian Weblog, and, of course, Yahoo! Full Coverage. Also: Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, New York Times.
One way is to read everything you can by Gary Price, who's got a new article in Searcher magazine, Specialized Search Engine FAQs: More Questions, Answers and Issues . This is chock full of links to search engines for news, images, audio, etc., and explaines the specialized searches available within popular search engines like Google and Alta Vista.
The Herald's Bea Garcia (Technology Chatroom) says "politicos and news junkies have been flocking to" The Sayfie Review, which looks like a Drudge Report on Florida politics, compiling links to news stories, editorials, and media. Among today's links, a notice that the Review will hold a live discussion during Tuesday's Bush-McBride debate....
Sunday, October 20, 2002
The Miami Herald's Don Bohning, long-time Caribbean correspondent now retired, was at the conference held in Cuba last week.
"In retrospect, said Castro at one point during the conference, Cuba would ''rather have been invaded by the Americans than accept the missiles'' and the humiliation that resulted from their sudden withdrawal."
Bohning also writes about covering the Grenada invasion.
And Herald editor Tom Fiedler writes on the ASNE conference in Cuba.
Dave Barry is indignant that Florida came in only 47th. Folks at Morgan Quitno Press, watch out!
Saturday, October 19, 2002
There weren't a lot of new links showing up this week; coverage of the sniper and Iraq of course dominates all. I posted a few links for sniper coverage earlier and here they are again all together. (Best Iraq links remain at last week's post).
Interesting stories/Weblogs:
And the useful links:
Business, Public Records, Tools: no links this week.
Friday, October 18, 2002
An old missile site in the Everglades may someday be a museum, if they can just round up one of those old Nike missiles....
Carter, CEO/president of NCI Associates, which trains public-safety employees, described the base's early days to a recent conference of the United States Army Center for Military History:
``While enduring mosquitoes, heat, humidity [and] sudden rainstorms, these soldiers lived in tents . . . Their six-man squad tents did not even have walls or floors [and they] lived among diamondback rattlesnakes and the deadly poisonous coral snake.''
During the rainy season, ''the missiles often sank into the Glades muck,'' Carter wrote.
Fascinating story from The Miami Herald's Ellie Brecher.
A request to newslib-l asking for any sites that might list journalist resignations/promotions/transfers got an answer from the all-knowing Gary Price listing these:
Thursday, October 17, 2002
The New York Times has assembled a page of coverage at Also, is a page devoted to victims.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
IDO3 recommends this site as a relief from stress of the news: Legato, lovely animated dance/music piece. Move the cursor to make the figures dance together.....
Whose Florida? is a site compiled by "government workers who reside in Florida and know how cutting government services will hurt the people of Florida". It collects links to news stories, has forums on political issues. See the JEB pages for their take on the Gov. Also see the link to Jeb02 which is definitely not a Bush for reelection site.....

Tuesday, October 15, 2002
From the JFK Library, The World On the Brink: John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis . (Prominent on the page: a silver calendar with the crisis dates highlighted, given to Jacqueline Kennedy from JFK. Apparently several close associates got one of these calendars. How much does the White House spend on souvenir trinkets like this? I remember once seeing expensive framed certificates given to people who traveled on Air Force One...the recipient had dozens....)
Monday, October 14, 2002

Saturday, October 12, 2002
Playing at a country pub or playing punk music, or as Vikings. Even more fun animations at the source, In the first manifestations the kittens played calypso on a Caribbean island. They've expanded. The pub animation showed up at 10th in Daypop rankings today...

Two weeks ago, riding around the back roads of Western North Carolina, I came across a wonderful radio station, playing real mountain music with other great bits of world music interspersed. WNCW, in Spindale NC has a web broadcast, been listening to it now for a couple hours. The mountain music show, Across the Mountain, runs from 11-6 on Saturdays. The music the rest of the week is great, too. (The photo? Mayberry Trading Post, Meadows of Dan VA. Nearby, the first Floyd World Music Festival was held two weeks ago, speaking of mountain/world music.)
I've clicked on links to Craig's Booknotes a couple of times this week, and he's had some remarkable comments/links. The Guardian article by Simon Tisdall, Voice of America, is worth a read.
The update is bigger than usual because it includes resources from three weeks' worth of surfing. Back to normal next week. I'm repeating some things I've already posted here hoping some readers find it useful to get them all together:
Big stories happening this week, so here are some resources to help with them:
Everybody's marking the Cuba missile crisis 40th:
Cuban government (Granma/Cubaweb); Sky News; BBC; Yahoo! Full Coverage, Google news links to other stories. Ike Seamans (NBC6); Sun Sentinel
Sniper links:
I expect someone will build a good links package soon, but meanwhile a useful site may be this sniper links page from the Snipercraft site...
Of course The Washington Post coverage is a first stop....
Yahoo! Full Coverage has lots of news links, especially to local newspapers, but hasn't added many other links yet...
BATF (no specific info yet).
War on Iraq and Terrorism:
of the British Government.
Interesting stories/Weblogs:
And the useful links:
Public Records
Florida: no links this week.
Friday, October 11, 2002
Another Mark Fiore cartoon on Saddam...
Nathan Ashby-Kuhlman has observations and comments about Web design and accessibility at
Adrian Holovaty does the same at
(links from j-log.)
I expect someone will build a good links package soon, but meanwhile a useful site may be this sniper links page from the Snipercraft site...
Of course The Washington Post coverage is a first stop....
Yahoo! Full Coverage has lots of news links, especially to local newspapers, but hasn't added many other links yet...
Is it just me, or is it just a Miami thing? The last week or so it seems like there are an unusual number of cars traveling at 53 mph on the highways. Has there been a speeding crackdown I don't know about? Is everyone suddenly getting careful? Is this happening other places?
Some links:
Jimmy Carter PBS page for upcoming "American Experience" special.
Iraq War Debate 2002 good links from U. Mich's Government Documents site.
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Librarians' Index to the Internet has posted a nice set of links for Information on Iraq.
Note that one of these links pages, on the Journalists' Toolbox, was contributed by The Pittsburgh Post Gazette's Tim Rozgonyi.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Channel Surfing, by Hank Kalet, managing editor of
South Brunswick (NJ) Post. (via Subterranean Homepage News).
Havana, 1959: photos by Magnum photog Burt Glinn. (via Ye Olde Phart.)
This photo illustrates a story about Turkey and the EU on the Radio Netherlands site:

A new blog, Hypergene Media Blog, opines on search engines and news sites, with interesting stuff. Check out the links to info on the new Sidekick net/phone/email appliance....
NYT blogs: NYTimes: latest headlines a weblogger (Aaron Swartz) has found a way to post the stories in a neat list. Or try this one in Radio.
Yeah, this makes it clear...from Mark Fiore.
On this topic, resources from the library at Eastern Carolina University: The War on Terrorism: Saddam Hussain and Iraq.
Monday, October 07, 2002
I've only started going through what's been posted in the last two weeks on other sites, but some things worth noting now:
Al Tomkins noted a couple good sites for hurricane coverage, including the Hurricane story ideas page from NOAA, and CBS News disaster links, which he calls "the granddaddy of all disaster sites".
For fun, Al linked to the Cyber Cigarette Break, where you can have a smoke without leaving your desk.
Gary Price linked to lots of great media directories last week, including Gebbie Press Directory: includes listings worldwide for Newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, news syndicates and bureaus. The site's been around for awhile but has been updated. Also: Trade/Business magazine directory from American Business Media; 100000 Watts a radio and TV directory and news site, includes listings. More links to media directories in the US, Canada and the UK, from Gary.
Of course, one of the most interesting things to happen in last couple weeks is the new Google News. I'm a big fan of current news aggregators/search engines and think this may become one of my favorites....
The light was spectacular in England's Lake District yesterday. Hurry and look at the photos on Tony Richards' Lakelandcam page before they're replaced by today's pictures. Absolutely stunning.
Later: today's photos are pretty nice, too, but you can still access some of Sunday's photos on the Best of the Week page.
Sunday, October 06, 2002
Back refreshed. Haven't touched a computer in two weeks, so it'll take awhile for me to get back into linking. Meanwhile we had a fine time in the mountains, which are even more beautiful than ever. I must get back more often....

This is Mabry Mill on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. It's my favorite section of my favorite road. We spent some time around Floyd and Meadows of Dan nearby. It was apple season. Wonderful. More photos.