The weekly update:
It was a wild week for news. Researchers at the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, Seattle papers must have been busy trying to find background. The Minnesota papers dealing with the Wellstone crash. And the terrible events in Moscow. For awhile it's nice not to have any news in Florida, aside from the short residence of Lee Malvo and the gubernatorial campaign.
Great work has been done on John Allen Muhammad and Malvo. Amazing how much has been found, and that much of it was already available on Smoking Gun by yesterday. Findlaw has also been posting documents. What a great service these websites provide. Knight Ridder has been pulling stories and backgrounders together on a sniper page running on all the Real Cities sites, and it adds the Camden angle from Philadelphia. Coverage from the New York Times, Washington Post, of course, has been extraordinary.
And the useful links:
National Women's Health Information Center
New York Public Library picture collection over 30,000 public domain images, mostly from before 1923.
Atlas of Canada redesigned. "your source for anything baseball".
Editor and Publisher Yearbook the book is now online; subscription available for $695 annually. You can search for daily or weekly newspapers, search by lots of variations like newspaper name, number of employees, etc.
Iraq Country analysis brief from DoE. Energy stats.
No Child Left Behind: a desktop reference 181-page document in PDF or Word.
The American Presidency Project has links to Public Papers, historical research, speech texts and more. From UCSB. Urkuklink links for Iraq: government, etc.
Locate government services near you this service from FirstGov finds apartment locators, driver license bureaus, nursing homes, lots more nationwide.
Blue Chip Investors: Top 100 donors to political campaigns back to 1988. Number one: American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees. From
Parliament Live video coverage of Houses of Lords and Commons, and committees.
Elena Mederos Foundation human rights and Cuba.
Net for Cuba resource guide to Cuba, including lists of government officials, news and links.
Cuba Facts "promotes new perspectives on Cuba by portraying the human dimension of the Cuban reality."
Cuba Encuentro en la red "diario independente de asuntos cubanos."
The 1880 Census search for names. Also has the British Census of 1881, and the Canadian Census of 1881.
The Legacy of Harry T. Moore background for PBS profile of the Florida civil rights martyr.
Sunshine Coalition listserv: sign up for this list which will discuss public access and public records in Florida.
Sunshine Coalition webpage.
Sayfie Review a sort of Drudge Report for Florida politics. Links to today's news from all the papers; you can also get the updates by email.
Property market profile get data by metro area on apartments, office, retail and industrial properties. Last quarter sales, vacancy rates, etc.
Learn the Internet this site, from AARP, has a Basic Browsing Tutorial.
Public Records: no links this week.
It was a wild week for news. Researchers at the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, Seattle papers must have been busy trying to find background. The Minnesota papers dealing with the Wellstone crash. And the terrible events in Moscow. For awhile it's nice not to have any news in Florida, aside from the short residence of Lee Malvo and the gubernatorial campaign.
Great work has been done on John Allen Muhammad and Malvo. Amazing how much has been found, and that much of it was already available on Smoking Gun by yesterday. Findlaw has also been posting documents. What a great service these websites provide. Knight Ridder has been pulling stories and backgrounders together on a sniper page running on all the Real Cities sites, and it adds the Camden angle from Philadelphia. Coverage from the New York Times, Washington Post, of course, has been extraordinary.
And the useful links:
Public Records: no links this week.
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