
Friday, February 22, 2008

Backgrounding the McCain story

Poynter's Al Tompkins again provides an invaluable resource for journalists and others trying to make sense of the New York Times' McCain and lobbying story, and the fallout from it: Ways to Report the McCain Story.
It includes some great links, and wise advice on how the story is played, e.g.:
Be VERY careful about what images, headlines and teases you use in your coverage. For television, showing McCain and Iseman on the screen at the same time may visually imply a relationship.
Advice that's too late for some news broadcasts.....

(Updated:) Among the links here, a link to a list of Iseman's clients. Hmm. There's a South Florida story here. Among her clients: The City of Miami, Carnival Corp. and the Arison Family Trust.

Also, an interesting comment on Roy Greenslade's posting on the Times story reaction, about how the reaction here is different than it would be in the UK:
Though it's proving to be a big deal in the States, I'm fairly certain that this story would have appeared in a British newspaper and, most likely, wouldn't have caused too much of a fuss. Over here, sadly, we think innuendo is fine.

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