
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Castro story

Of course, the place to go for reaction is The Miami Herald, where they've been preparing for the end of the Castro era for years. So far the website presence is subdued, but heavy, including of course a story about businesses chafing at the bit: Preparing for Cuba.
(Oh yes, there's an equal reaction at the Sun Sentinel, too....)

Of course, for the reaction from Cubans in Miami, one of the most controversial blogs is Bablalu. Several postings today discussing the reactions.

South Florida Daily blog links to more blog and media reactions.

My page of Cuba links has not yet been moved to the new site, but is still there although last update was a year and a half ago. Most links should be good, though.

Lots more media, blog and government links over at Al's Morning Meeting: Fidel Castro Steps Down.

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