Newspapers bite:
Wonderful column in the Orlando Sentinel by Kathleen Parker:
Newspapers looking for love in all the wrong places. (Via Romenesko, registration required.) Among the gems:
With television offering headlines -- and Internet blogs offering inspired commentary -- why do people want to get their hands dirty reading stale stories that fail to ring the chime of truth?
The Goodness, Tyranny of Journalism: Tim Porter writes in a similar vein on First Draft.
Is online newspaper registration inevitable? Steve Outing suggests alternatives.
Registration is quickly becoming a huge pet peeve of mine. I thought I had been smart about using IDs and passwords I could remember, but twice in the last two days I've been thwarted on getting into the Washington Post and the Orlando Sentinel on other PCs, including once in the middle of a training session. I've decided to use
BugMeNot, and find if you drag the the Bookmarklet to your toolbar, you can just click on it once you're on a site with registration and it opens up a window with suggested passwords. Makes it easy. (BugMeNot gave me an amusing logon for the Orlando Sentinel, check it out.)
People finding tips:
I found a couple useful tips here:
The Best Internet Web People Finders are Free; article in PC Magazine. (And
Earlier related article: Learn (Almost) Anything About Anybody .)