You'd think there'd not be a whole lot to add this week; I had a lot of free time (between doctor visits) so have been doing more postings than usual. Still, some interesting things to look at in addition.
(And, not a bad view to have from a doctor's office:)
The links:
Radio Locator, around for a long time, still the best place to locate a radio station by place, format, etc.
Firsts in America. from Infoplease. Not comprehensive like the 'Famous Firsts' book, but good useful reference info. See additional list links at bottom.
Atlas of Global Inequality from UC.
Lebanese Global Information Center, based in Tampa, has a lot of basic information on the country and how to help, as well as a large directory of Lebanon links.
Encyclopedia of Knives
Report on Nixon's nuclear option from National Security Archive.
Investigation of the My Lai incident, original documents online at Library of Congress.
Dirty Kilowatts from Environmental Integrity Project, has issued a report, Dirty Kilowatts: America’s Most Polluting Power Plants (PDF). There's also a related searchable database on the website.
Solar ultraviolet radiation: Global burden of disease from solar ultraviolet radiation, report from World Health Organization. This is an interesting twist: "UV prevention focuses on protecting the skin and other organs from UV radiation. On the other hand, a moderate degree of UV exposure is necessary for the production of Vitamin D which is essential for bone health. Additionally, evidence emerges that low Vitamin D levels are likely to be associated with other chronic diseases. Thus, public health policy on ultraviolet radiation needs to aim at preventing the disease burden associated both with excessive and with insufficient UV exposure.”"
The Baghdad Problem PDF from Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Despite Last Year’s Devastating Hurricane Season, One-Third In High-Risk Areas Say They May Ignore Evacuation Order, survey by Harvard School of Public Health.
Latest population estimates on race, Hispanic origin from Census. Press release and links to Excel files.
American Public Transportation Association Ridership Report: First Quarter 2006, from American Public Transit Association (APTA). Includes Canadian data.
Air Travel Price Index from BTS. Historical to 1st quarter 2006.
Governments, Politics:
UK Intelligence Community Online: information about the services and official documents.
Consumer News Connection: daily links to news reports from papers, TV and consumer alerts.
Public Records:
Colorado Inmate Locator System
Arizona Theft Database public access database on stolen vehicle information. Searchby license plate number or VIN.
Games for the Brain. I've posted this before but it's always worth a look.
Thank you for sharing those links, I never thought my life would be boring with the links you provided. dui lawyers
Unknown, at 8:09 AM
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