Neighborhood tours and farming in Cuba

I don't often link to video sites, since I can't use them myself (DSL is still miles away from my rural neighborhood), but this one is too much fun to miss: Turn Here is a place where people can post videos of their neighborhoods. Much of the country is represented here, especially cities (although there are a few small towns listed, like Yankeetown, FL, and several international locations. Among them, a few from Miami.
Featured on the Miami page today, a tour of one of my old neighborhoods, Coconut Grove, in a really nice video by filmmaker Robert Lyon. (my photo, Peacock Park in the Grove, May 2003.)
In the Independent (UK) yesterday, a fascinating report on the success of organic farms in -- Cuba! The good life in Havana: Cuba's green revolution:
Cuba is filled with more than 7,000 urban allotments or "organoponicos", which fill perhaps as many as 81,000 acres. They have been established on tiny plots of land in the centre of tower-block estates or between the crumbling colonial homes that fill Havana.
That's the kind of news I like to hear.
What do they use to fertilize those Havana gardens? Dead political prisoners?
PJ-Comix, at 4:00 PM
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