Wikipedia and bias -- again
Mark Glaser has an excellent article in MediaShift, Is There a Neutral View on George W. Bush? about the Wikipedia entry. My thoughts on this on my Infomaniac blog.
Mark Glaser has an excellent article in MediaShift, Is There a Neutral View on George W. Bush? about the Wikipedia entry. My thoughts on this on my Infomaniac blog.
Might the question "Is there..." be better framed as "Why shouldn't there be..."
I had this conversation the other day with someone in the news business who asked me, "Why is it that 'a little bit of bias' perceived against Bush is generally pish-poshed by the mainstream media, while bias perceived in Bush's favor is greeted with moaning and wailing and catterwalling?"
I didn't really have a good answer. "Because it feels fun and it makes people feel better," didn't seem like much of a response.
What I did say was that it continues to amaze me that with so many meaty, Flintstone-size policy bones to pick against the Bush Administration, continuing to harp against his National Guard duty is like trying to impeach him for an inability to parallel park. I mean, why bother?
Anonymous, at 6:01 PM
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