
Sunday, October 24, 2004

Weekend update: Other things found this week:
As the campaign goes into its last throes, everyone's looking for lists of newspaper endorsements. There are a few choices:

Neither of these lists has the one I read today: The Chattanooga Times, for Kerry (the Free Press, which still has a separate editorial page in the Sunday paper, endorsed Bush.) Guess this paper cancels itself out.

In the Miami Herald today, a lovely story by Margaria Fichtner (everything she writes is lovely) about Havana, Florida. I've been intrigued by Havana (how did it ever get that name?) ever since I used to buy honey produced there. Drove through once but there wasn't much to see. Fichtner writes about life in a small town that managed to escape the storm damage that surrounded it.
Susannah Nesmith covers violence in Haiti, with graphic photos by Peter Bosch.
And Dan Chang writes about Dave Barry's semi-retirement.

More links....

  • State of the birds, 2004 from Audubon. Many in 'significant decline'. Here's one on two lists, most endangered and smallest range: Florida Scrub Jay.
  • Most/least stolen cars
  • The online archive of California with digital historical documents and images online.
  • Marine protected areas of the United States.
  • ChemIDPlus: a database of chemicals from Natl Library of Medicine.
  • Looking for books online? Searchenginewatch blog has links to several places you can search from, including Digital Book Index.
  • Postmaster Finder from USPS. Find by place, name, ZIP, etc. Has discontinued post offices, too.
  • Google as reference book: article from SLA on how to use Google for basic reference questions.
  • 2003 state and county estimates maps from Census.
  • Wealth of Hispanics in the U.S.: report from Pew Hispanic Center.
  • a blog about newspapers' corrections.
    Governments, Politics:
  • has information about ballot initiatives nationwide, with links to Secretaries of States' Websites.
  • Blogs and Politics: a timeline about what effect blogs have had, a wiki from Dave Sifry (Technorati).
  • Facts on the 2004 Election from Census.
  • Filling the gaps in homeland security: a checklist from Harvard's Kennedy School on what needs to be done (only a few of these steps so far have been).
  • The Boys on the Broken Bus: how coverage of Campaign 2004 is going, from CJR.
  • The Regular: a new politics blog where readers post/discuss news, like Slashdot.
  • Who represents America's top corporations, report from
  • Sears Archives: history of Sears & Roebuck, including old catalogs, store histories, Sears homes, art, etc.
    People, News, Florida, Public Records: no links this week.

    Some Interesting stories/Weblogs
  • Is the U.S. prohibiting Iraqi farmers from planting seed they've saved so they have to buy imported seed from big corporations? This report says so. (via Sheila Lennon).
  • How much has Congress appropriated for beach renourishment? report from Coastal Coalition.
  • Speech to APME editors by Alan Nelson of Command Post, on importance of blogs as news sources.
  • Why the towers failed: latest findings from NIST.
  • Is My Blog Burning?: a new blog tracking food blogs.
  •, blog from a This Modern World contributor.


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