
Thursday, February 19, 2004

Continuing the topic of RSS feeds from the other day, yesterday I created my own My Yahoo! page so I could try their beta feed reader. I have to say I like the page, which has a lot of fun bells and whistles, with local weather, tonite's TV schedule, my local movie theater schedules, news, and lots and lots of other things I could add to it if I wanted. Of course, signing up also gets you a Yahoo email account, which I probably should have done a long time ago, and will probably use now, since there's a quick link on the page to show if there's new mail.
I also did this because it makes it easy to use the new Yahoo search, which I want to try out more. It's at the top of the page too.
The RSS feed reader is actually a very nice feature. You just enter the URL or keywords about the site you're looking for, and Yahoo finds it for you and prompts you to enter it. Or, if you do a Yahoo search, there will be a link in the results to "add to My Yahoo" if a feed is available. It then shows up in the reader, at top of the news section of your page. There's a limit to 25 feeds. Because I read more than that, I'll probably end up using this just for the blogs that I don't regularly check every day. It just shows headlines, so you have to click to read still.
There's a good RSS FAQ page if you want to know more.

I've been trying feed readers (Amphetadesk, FeedDemon, Feedster.....) for awhile, and it just hasn't caught on with me. I still prefer to click on a list of links every day to go directly to the blogs and news sites I read (I like seeing the source). But if anything can, this My Yahoo reader function (it's still in beta) might change my mind, if I get in the habit of using this page daily. Because it only shows headlines, it is an easy way of finding out if a page has been updated, so I can still click on the link if I want to go to the main page.
Note, My Yahoo's reader will read Atom feeds, so this blog's feed will work there....
If you still haven't gotten into this RSS/XML/feed thing, this looks like a good way to get your feet wet.

More on Feedpaper builder:
(See Tuesday's post.) from Researchbuzz. Also, Steven Cohen reported his Feedpaper is working.


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