
Friday, June 16, 2006

New bloggers to love...or not

Blogger is highlighting a blog that I find entrancing: Farm Girl Fare, by a former Californian who moved to the Midwest (Missouri) and is doing some serious farming, as well as cooking (she had a bakery in CA). There's a Daily Farm Photo, news about haying right now, animal photos, and food.

Besides the farm blog, check out her other blog, In My Kitchen Garden. Great recipes here: I copied the emergency chocolate cake and the raspberry tartlets....I figure I'll find lots more. I'm jealous of the wild raspberries (we had them everywhere on our old farm in upstate NY, but there are none here) and gooseberries (can't plant them, or currants, in NC).

In other blog news, here's something you don't often see, a blog from a soldier in Afghanistan, via Guardian NewsBlog: Afghanidan. Great photos, too. It starts out:

Welcome to Bagram, the big ol' base that brings Hotel California to life: you can check out anytime you like, but it sometimes feels like you'll never leave.
And, also from Guardian Newsblog, check out this story, broken by The Independent, about a very expensive blog. Turns out that the blog by the UK's first ministerial blogger, David Miliband, takes up 40 percent of the working day for two -- that's right, two -- highly paid civil servants! Hmm. Could I get them to design and write my blog? (Or not?)

Added later: Newsblog also links to another blog from Afghanistan: Once Upon a Place, from Kabul, by a woman who's gone there to teach at the American University of Afghanistan


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