
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Goodbye, Ace:

Sometimes it seems my job here is to remember old Washington Post colleagues who die. Most of the people at the Post now may not remember these folks. (Because about half of them worked at the Miami Herald when I was there.)

So, here's to Bill Brady, a genuine newspaper man of the old school, night editor, harasser of new reporters, copy staff and librarians, a man who called everyone -- especially those young reporters -- "Ace". There are dozens of stories about Brady. I wish the wedding story was online somewhere, it's the best. But the obit gets a lot of them, like this one:
He was on duty when a news desk colleague dropped dead and was carried out of the newsroom on a stretcher. Mr. Brady leaned over to a friend, saying, "He let it get to him, Ace."

(Added later:) Speaking of old newspaper folks, I just love this story in the News & Observer about the old Raleigh Times....they've converted the old newspaper building to a restaurant and bar! How fitting!


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