Weekend update: Other things found last week:
Spending a day without satellite TV, and it's very strange not to be able to consult Headline News or the Weather Channel to see what's going on. No Olympics, either, of course.
Although I know I can get all the news I want from the Internet, that's not my first choice even now. It's still static...or at least it is when all you've got is dialup.
At least the newspaper came today.
The links:
Energy Citations Database finds documents from DoE, AEC, and ERDA back to 1948.
Top Ten Sources is a new site that finds best blog sources on a topic.
More Olympics links from Resourceshelf.com.
Lots of good background on the Islam/Muhammed cartoon furor on Al's Morning Meeting.
Disney Archives: get history, background on Disney characters, movies, and villains.
WW II military situation maps, digitized and on LoC website, cover D-day til July 1945.
Resources for the Saddam Hussein Trial compiled by Law Library of Congress.
Middle East documents from the Avalon Project: historical record in treaties, UN resolutions, protocols, and statements.
Global Warning from Union of Concerned Scientists, lists record years.
Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850-2000
Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2002 from BJS.
Governments, Politics:
U.S. Budget, FY 2007
Economics Search Engine
Zillow: search an address or neighborhood and get aerial view with home values. Nationwide, although many cities are not yet available.
Some interesting stories/blogs:
Unclaimed Territory blog is blogging the NSA hearings.
Public Records Blog from a Callifornia P.I.
Jill Carroll update: latest news from Christian Science Monitor.
The Fishbowl: blog from the Philly Inquirer editorial board.
Aerial photos of Mexico City taken by a helicopter pilot, these are fascinating.
Spending a day without satellite TV, and it's very strange not to be able to consult Headline News or the Weather Channel to see what's going on. No Olympics, either, of course.
Although I know I can get all the news I want from the Internet, that's not my first choice even now. It's still static...or at least it is when all you've got is dialup.
At least the newspaper came today.
The links:
Governments, Politics:
Some interesting stories/blogs:
Thank you for posting my public records blog. I hope I can provide valuable information to the readers.
jrpi, at 5:39 PM
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