Weekend update: Other things found this week:
There are still some good things coming out to help with understanding the effects of this year's devastating hurricanes:
Also: a couple good sites for help with online problems:
The other links:
Interactive map of the Civil War from National Geographic.
University of Florida book of insect records.
Findlaw special coverage: Iraq War aftermath has legal documents, news, etc. on Plame case, intelligence, UN monitoring, etc.
Racial Discrimination and African-American Quarterbacks in the NFL, study from Social Science Network.
Communicating with Young Latinos, market research study.
Alito resources from Library of Congress law library.
Resources for info on Samuel Alito from UMich library. More on Infomaniac blog.
SmealSearch finds academic studies, reports, from Penn State library.
I Want To... a whole list of links to neat Net tools. Want to share spreadsheets with others online? Do a podcast or a Wiki? Etc.
Mr Sapo, a new search engine that gives you a template to search any of the other engines.
RedLightGreen searches for books on your topic and tells you where to locate them.
Area Code and Time Zone database from AskSam; download free reader and the database.
Flight Tracking info: this brief article links/describes various resources for flight tracking. Lots more available than ever. Highly recommended: Flight Aware, a new site in beta. You can browse by type of plane (private flights included), by airport, by airline. Here's a MIA snapshot.
Governments, Politics:
Regulations.gov, search Federal Register rulemaking documents.
The McCarthy Hearings are online on the Senate's GPO site.
Public Records:
LocatePlus is a people/public records search worth looking at: has some cell phone numbers, statewide criminal record search, driver histories in FL and several other states, etc.
Pennsylvania Courts site now has searchable criminal dockets.
Michigan Offender Tracking Information System.
Trends in Manufacturer Prices of Prescription Drugs Used by Older Americans, from AARP.
Rich Gordon on the good things in journalism's future in OJR.
Editorial Photographers, new organization.
Some Interesting stories/Weblogs:
Iraq: Learning the Lessons of Vietnam by Melvin Laird, in Foreign Affairs.
There are still some good things coming out to help with understanding the effects of this year's devastating hurricanes:
- Census: Hurricane 2005 data covers Katrina, Rita, Wilma, with stats, maps, etc.
- CRS report on federal response to 1927 flood, when they appointed a 'recovery czar'.
- New Orleans reconstruction, Brookings Inst. study.
- Katrina's Window: Confronting Concentrated Poverty Across America, from Brookings.
Also: a couple good sites for help with online problems:
- Phishing primer from O'Reilly pubs.
- Lookstoogoodtobetrue.com about online/Internet frauds.
The other links:
Governments, Politics:
Public Records:
Some Interesting stories/Weblogs:
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