Weekend update: Other things found this week:
More hurricane links because the hits just keep coming:
More Wilma links from Al Tompkins.
21 named storms from the 2005 hurricane season: great satellite image from Arlene to Wilma from NASA.
Some good Wilma references on Al's Morning Meeting Today.
Hurricane Crisis Imagery from Natl Geospacial-Intelligence Agency.
The other links:
Education: The State We're In, state by state snapshot of education from Center for American Progress.
Census facts for Thanksgiving.
Immigration and Terrorism: Moving Beyond the 9/11 Staff Report on Terrorist Travel from Center for Immigration Studies.
Separate and Unequal: Residential Segregation and Estimated Cancer Risks Associated with Ambient Air Toxics in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, NIH study.
Conflict, State and Decentralisation: from social progress to an armed dispute for local control, 1974-2002 from Universidad de los Andes.
Healthline: this new portal site for health info is getting rave reviews from researchers, as easiest to use. CommonCensus Map Project is redrawing the map of the U.S. based on how people relate to cities.
There's also a Sports team influence Map Project.
PR Newswire for Journalists: RSS Feeds; get newsfeeds on dozens of different topics from PR Newswire. There's also a 'My Yahoo' and a 'My MSN' button for the easiest possible newsfeed setup.
InformBeta test of a new news aggregator with great features. They say it works best in IE, not Firefox.
Census report on work-day populaton of cities.
American Community Survey, from Census, now has released 2004 data.
Child Poverty in States hit by Hurricane Katrina, report from Natl Center for Children in Poverty at Columbia's Mailman School.
Latest fuel economy ratings for 2006 vehicles from EPA.
Digest of Education Statistics, 2004.
Crime in the United States, 2004, latest Uniform Crime Reports from FBI.
Governments, Politics:
Consitution of the U.S., 2002 edition from GPO.
New Bankruptcy law explained from U.S. Courts website. Latest Transparency International Corruption Index, 2005.
Doing Business database from World Bank, get quick economic snapshots of a country.
50 years of World Press Photos of the Year.
Annual Report on Homeless Conditions in Florida, 2005 from DCF.
Some Interesting stories/Weblogs:
Kansas City Star's Greg Reeves is doing a Crime Scene KC blog.
Is your printer spying on you? that report from EFF.
More hurricane links because the hits just keep coming:
The other links:
There's also a Sports team influence Map Project.
Governments, Politics:
Some Interesting stories/Weblogs:
Food and Nutrition
Skin Care
Hair Care
Eye Care
Unknown, at 11:42 PM
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