Blogger search:
Old news, since I wasn't around to post this yesterday, but just in case you missed it: Google has finally started to search blogs. You can do it through the Google site or thru Blogger. It's in beta, haven't tried it yet, but Jeff Jarvis thinks the search is a little strange so far. Seems it finds a lot of Blogger spam blogs. SearchEngineWatch discusses the search.
To see what bloggers are saying about this, of course it's worth a Google blog search (suggested by Dave Winer).
Speaking of Blogger spam, I started getting comment spam on my Blogger photoblog within the last week. I enabled a keyword comment login that should eliminate it. No sign on this blog or the other blogs yet, although I think it may be showing up on the obsolete Herald blog.....
Old news, since I wasn't around to post this yesterday, but just in case you missed it: Google has finally started to search blogs. You can do it through the Google site or thru Blogger. It's in beta, haven't tried it yet, but Jeff Jarvis thinks the search is a little strange so far. Seems it finds a lot of Blogger spam blogs. SearchEngineWatch discusses the search.
To see what bloggers are saying about this, of course it's worth a Google blog search (suggested by Dave Winer).
Speaking of Blogger spam, I started getting comment spam on my Blogger photoblog within the last week. I enabled a keyword comment login that should eliminate it. No sign on this blog or the other blogs yet, although I think it may be showing up on the obsolete Herald blog.....
Since you are an infomaniac, I would like to I just wanted to invite you and your readers to come check out Orato, which aims to be the first content site exclusively devoted to first-person journalism. That is, stories which are told entirely in the first-person voices of eyewitnesses to major events such as the London Subway bombings and day-to-day life in the streets of Baghdad. We’ll also feature the rants and soliloquies of interesting people in the news.
I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but we’re putting together some really great stories on a range of topics: Current Events, Entertainment, Sports, Health and Science, Travel and Adventure, Bad Media (where we watch the watchdog) Love and Friendship, Business and Technology, the ever-mysterious Mystery heading, and something creatively called ‘Miscellaneous’ for when we can’t think of anywhere else to put it.
Check the Contributor's Registry which is already online; it’s Orato’s call to journalists and enthusiastic writers from around the world to get involved. Orato will combine the work of professional journalists and “citizen journalists”: people from 122 countries have already registered and sent us story ideas.
We’ll commission and pay for feature stories in the first-person voice, but we will make it possible for anyone, for a small fee, to publish their own stories on the site. And we’ll regularly evaluate pay-to-publish stories that are highly rate by readers, moving the best into the feature window and paying their authors the same rates we pay commissioned authors. We’re hoping to foster ethical practices and quality reporting in this new medium, and above all, create a forum for great storytelling.
In the registry, we have included sample stories to demonstrate what we mean by first-person news, so please, take a minute to look at the samples, register, and send us your story ideas. And please, feel free to contact us if you have questions
Cecilia Jamasmie
Assignment Editor
Anonymous, at 9:08 PM
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