
Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Via Michael Froomkin (who knows about this because his brother Dan's involved with it), a link to the Neiman Foundation's Neiman Watchdog. According to the site,
The goal of watchdog journalism is to see that people in power provide information the public should have.

The Nieman Watchdog Journalism Project grows from this premise and this goal: to help the press ask penetrating questions, critical questions, questions that matter, questions not yet asked about today's news.

I'm excited about finding this site because I discovered that among its contributors are several people who I'm proud to have worked with in a long-past life: Morton Mintz! Murray Marder! Barry Sussman! John Hanrahan! I'm so glad to find that these voices from my past are still around. So many are just memories now....

Note, also, Dan Froomkin's Showcase page, with good journalism links.

(Later): Note a press release on Neiman Watchdog.


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