
Friday, December 26, 2003

Getting more on the news from photo blogs:
Hampshirecam has photos of the QMII arriving in Southhampton.
Much more than the BBC had, even on BBC Southhampton.

Marlette speaks:
This has been mentioned a few places, but I didn't click on it until I saw the excerpt on Lex Alexander's Blog on the Run: "I was a tool of Satan", by Doug Marlette, now with the Tallahassee Democrat, in Columbia Journalism Review. Alexander, who worked on the Greensboro News Record's breaking investigation of Tammy and Jim Bakker and PTL, pointed out (Charlotte Observer cartoonist at the time) Marlette's lovely response to a reader complaining about a cartoon done on the subject:
    ""They try to screen for tools of Satan," I explained. "[Parent corporation] Knight Ridder human resources has a strict policy against hiring tools of Satan.""

Hmmm. Being with a KR paper, I wonder.......


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