
Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Random hits:
Fascinating story from BBC on a study revealing that older MPs are more savvy Internet users than younger ones. Is this true of other politicians too?

Found while browsing: a column at the Maynard Institute by Richard Prince on journalism and diversity. This runs a few times a week, it appears, and highlights lots of interesting news. Richard Prince's Journal-isms. I expect to add this one to my list of regular journalism reads. (Prince was a colleague many, many years ago back in Washington, so I'm delighted to find this.)

Elephant blog: we've been covering an elephant attack at Miami Metrozoo, so this is on target: Eleblog highlights news about elephants and has some good links too. With the drunken elephant attack, elephant news has been bad lately. On this topic, I recently read an excellent book which really gets into the questions of our relationship with the animal: Shana Alexander's The Astonishing Elephant.


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