
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Blogger news:
There will be a Blog Conference in Nashville in May, including a Bloggercon. Interestingly, the conference will also include a CAR Bootcamp, so hopefully there will be a meetup between bloggers and investigative and computer-assisted reporters. This could be a breakthrough.
Of course, there's also a blogger conference coming up in North Carolina next month: Triangle Bloggercon, Feb 12. (Would like to get to this but it's a long way over the mountains. Nashville is actually much closer.)

Also: Committee to Protect Bloggers blog.

And, while grassroots journalism is all the rage these days, here's someone that's trying to do it: Take Back the News is a 'News Sharing Community' where people can submit news, commentary, or whatever. The range of news here seems to be pretty wide; could be a useful tool.


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