Great resources you can use today:
Derek Willis announces that the IRE Blog he has been working on is now available. It's called Extra! Extra! and is a list of great investigative and computer assisted reporting stories.
Gary Price has posted links to Today's Security Council statements.
And Al Tompkins linked to more: War Coverage Resources from Assn of Electronic Journalists, and Iraq War Wire from EIN News. (Original stories require subscription, but this page has links to news from lots of other sources.)
In other news...
The Florida State Library petition is up to 4882 signatures.
Photo sent to the BBC ("From the San Francisco demonstration." Bob Morris, US.):
Derek Willis announces that the IRE Blog he has been working on is now available. It's called Extra! Extra! and is a list of great investigative and computer assisted reporting stories.
Gary Price has posted links to Today's Security Council statements.
And Al Tompkins linked to more: War Coverage Resources from Assn of Electronic Journalists, and Iraq War Wire from EIN News. (Original stories require subscription, but this page has links to news from lots of other sources.)
In other news...
The Florida State Library petition is up to 4882 signatures.
Photo sent to the BBC ("From the San Francisco demonstration." Bob Morris, US.):

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