
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Water to share -- not

Well, it seems the folks from Tennessee are finally taking pity on poor, water-starved Georgia. In The Chattanoogan: Chattanooga Sending Truck Load Of Water To Atlanta.

From the proclamation from Chattanooga mayor Ron Littlefield:
WHEREAS, the lack of water has led some misguided souls to seek more potent refreshment or for other reasons has resulted in irrational and outrageous actions seeking to move a long established and peaceful boundary, and

WHEREAS, it is deemed better to light a candle than curse the darkness, and better to offer a cool, wet kiss of friendship rather than face a hot and angry legislator gone mad from thirst, and

Whereas, it is feared that if today they come for our river, tomorrow they might come for our Jack Daniels or George Dickel,

...Wednesday, February 27, 2008 shall be known as “Give Our Georgia Friends a Drink Day”

Via Knox Views.

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