LINKS OF THE WEEK: the weekly update:
Again, a very busy week with not much time to browse. Our primary election became another disaster, at least in South Florida. At my precinct, voting was a piece of cake. I arrived sometime after noon in the middle of a deluge so few people had braved the rain at lunch hour to vote and I didn't have to wait at all. The new machines seemed to work smoothly. Too bad other precincts had problems. Too bad the Democrats had too many good candidates for governor. Any of the three would have been a good choice. Two won't get to run. At any rate, coverage of this election, the new machines and voting procedures filled our week this week, and on Friday we had a major highway closed all day for a terrorist scare. What a week, again...This week's links include a few I posted earlier but I still like to have them all in one place:
Interesting stories/Weblogs:
Breast Cancer Blog has links to research news, from Tara Calashain.
Terrorism/Sept 11 Resources:
Sept 11, 2002: Covering the Coverage Poynter weblog linking to coverage around the country. This is interesting: 45 questions from St. Pete Times.
Another good 9/11 links directory from Librarians' Index to the Internet.
September 11th vicims database compiled by Newsday.
An Army of One Remembers.... the only site I've seen that has photos and info about each victim of the Pentagon attack .
Afghanistan and the U.S. directory of links from UC Berkeley.
Best 9/11 sites chosen by Wall St. Journal.
Wonderful story in St. Pete Times about a piece of paper from the WTC.
Victims list from; or By site/name.
C-Span's terrorism archive
CNN Special: WTC proposals
The Smithsonian exhibition on 9/11
9/11 resources this directory was compiled by Tara Calashain soon after the event last year and is constantly updated. Includes links to latest news stories.
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction statement on the report issued this week by International Institute of Strategic Studies.
Cyberjournalist on 9/11 coverage more links to stories/packages.
Center for Immigration Studies has a report on how the hijackers entered the US; and the Employer Sanctions Database.
Just for fun:
A cute kitty: make it move and purr.
And the useful links:
Medline en espaƱol the premiere medical site from NIH. huge British history site with search engine, timeline, and links.
Metacrawler the meta-search engine has been revamped and now searches Google as well as About, Ask Jeeves, FAST, FindWhat, Inktomi, LookSmart, Excite, OpenDirectory, Overture, and Sprinks, according to Tara Calashain.
Fanatic Zone site with stats, news on college football in the SEC.
Weird Files website for a new newspaper column by Ken Layne.
University of Florida Sesquicentennial 1953-2003. A nice timeline on this site.
2000 State Highway facts from Federal Highway Admin.
Sprawl City "A Website about Consumption Growth and Population Growth" using Census data.
President Bush: the stats Wash Post story on stats collected by a CBS radio newsman, the numbers on vacation days, days spent at various homes, foreign leaders met, more. Congressional scorecard State PIRGs provide this database of how members voted on issues.
Census Bureau Centennial
State Decisions, 2002 Website devoted to statewide elections.
2002 Census of Governments preliminary report on the new 5-year summary, just released. Includes employment, payrolls, finances, etc.
Center for Immigration Studies has a report on how the hijackers entered the US; and the Employer Sanctions Database.
The Miami-Dade County website wins 2nd place in local government websites, in a Best of the Web report from Government Technology magazine. (Tampa is first.) Florida does not come in top 5 in state sites, however.
Public Records
Foreclosures database search nationwide.
Journalism, Business,People, Tools: No links this week.
Again, a very busy week with not much time to browse. Our primary election became another disaster, at least in South Florida. At my precinct, voting was a piece of cake. I arrived sometime after noon in the middle of a deluge so few people had braved the rain at lunch hour to vote and I didn't have to wait at all. The new machines seemed to work smoothly. Too bad other precincts had problems. Too bad the Democrats had too many good candidates for governor. Any of the three would have been a good choice. Two won't get to run. At any rate, coverage of this election, the new machines and voting procedures filled our week this week, and on Friday we had a major highway closed all day for a terrorist scare. What a week, again...This week's links include a few I posted earlier but I still like to have them all in one place:
Interesting stories/Weblogs:
Terrorism/Sept 11 Resources:
Just for fun:
And the useful links:
Public Records
Journalism, Business,People, Tools: No links this week.
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