The weekly update:
The news remains frustrating and irritating. How long will this all go on? Every week we have a new poll on Iraq (this one from Pew Center) and dropping presidential popularity polls which indicate little support for war.
The Top defense contractors, 2002 will continue to push for war to increase their revenues. (Check out Making a Killing: the business of war, the 11-part report from Center for Public Integrity.)
The Department of Homeland Security is now established permanently, changing nothing but the bureaucracy. (Seems like the anti-big government party isn't.)
There's propaganda: Apparatus of Lies is the White House's claims against Saddam Hussein. (Read Terry Neal's story on White House campaign in the Washington Post. Note links here to Iraq chronology, more.)
Al's Morning Meeting reminds us that the last war brought Gulf War sickness.
Our commander in chief, who wants to go to war, didn't, 30 years ago: Chronological recap of GWBush's military record.
And his party, which came to power after womanizing in the last administration, advertises a Republican Babe of the Week (from NJ GOP).
(Meanwhile, bloggers, no matter on which side, find ways to use new tools to get their word out, like this one.)
And more useful links....
Reference 30 years of Roe v. Wade. Medical history of American presidents
Digital National Security Archive a searchable version of the NSA archives from ProQuest. Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc.
Alexandria Digital Library Gazetteer Server a new worldwide gazetteer from UCSB. Not accessible through some firewalls without tweaking...
Online Etymology Dictionary of word origins. a directory of experts in lots of fields.
MIT open courseware study online using MIT guides.
Behind the Name etymology and history of first names.
EPA Enforcement and Compliance histories online search for local problems. new portal provides search of Federal Register documents.
Gary Hart has this week's speech to National Security Council.
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation Library of Congress has put online all Congressional bills, journals and other official documents covering Continental Congress through about 1875.
Links on University of Michigan affirmative action from the U. library, under Jan. 18 links.
Reverse Telephone Lookup from Verizon.
MSN maps recommended by Gary Price who says the display and printout of the maps is cleaner than other map sites. Also includes detailed Europe maps, and worldwide maps (not so much detail but still better than most).
10 great digital photography tips.
Google Tour
do you know all the things Google can do? This page is only a start....
Online HomeBase new project from Marc Fest (QuickBrowse) allows you to take notes, manage projects, and/or set up calendar and todo lists via a Website.
BBC: On this day in history nice site with links to video and audio. Covers 1950-present. You can also browse the history by Themes.
Gene Patterson: editor at Atlanta, St. Pete, Washington Post, whose editorials on race for the Constitution were groundbreaking. This story by Poynter's Roy Peter Clark tells background of Patterson and a new book: "The Changing South of Gene Patterson". A couple of the editorials are reproduced here.
SportsNation: The Ultimate Standings ESPN analysis of sports franchises' value.
Florida's Budget, 2003-4
Connect with a Broward County librarian click on the link and fill out the form, then wait for a librarian to respond. (Or email, or call).
People: This claims to be the largest database of email addresses in the world. (it finds my Herald address and no others...?)
Al Hirschfeld Library of Congress exhibit. Also:
More Bill Mauldin cartoons from PBS.
2001 U.S. Statistical Abstract
New Census estimates
Canada's ethnic population, 2001 from Statistics Canada.
News, Public Records: no links this week.
Some Interesting stories/Weblogs:
Super Bowl Sunday: Urban Legends from Snopes. com.
What is Chiasmus? fun word play site (great for headline writers?).
Census Confusion: who was right on Hispanic majority? from Columbia Journalism Review.
Tim Porter: First Draft another new journalist Weblog.
ReasonOnline online magazine.
Photos of Miami's anti-war protest from Hidden City.
Venezuelan Weblogs "Blog for Liberty". OJR Editors' Picks Weblog with links to interesting news from Online Journalism Review.
&c new Weblog from New Republic.
One Word an online writing exercise. Draw with a marker. Choose paper. Save and/or email your artwork. Watch it draw all over again. from GE Imagination at Work.
Free Money: if you bought a CD between 1995 and 2000, fill out this claim form.
The news remains frustrating and irritating. How long will this all go on? Every week we have a new poll on Iraq (this one from Pew Center) and dropping presidential popularity polls which indicate little support for war.
The Top defense contractors, 2002 will continue to push for war to increase their revenues. (Check out Making a Killing: the business of war, the 11-part report from Center for Public Integrity.)
The Department of Homeland Security is now established permanently, changing nothing but the bureaucracy. (Seems like the anti-big government party isn't.)
There's propaganda: Apparatus of Lies is the White House's claims against Saddam Hussein. (Read Terry Neal's story on White House campaign in the Washington Post. Note links here to Iraq chronology, more.)
Al's Morning Meeting reminds us that the last war brought Gulf War sickness.
Our commander in chief, who wants to go to war, didn't, 30 years ago: Chronological recap of GWBush's military record.
And his party, which came to power after womanizing in the last administration, advertises a Republican Babe of the Week (from NJ GOP).
(Meanwhile, bloggers, no matter on which side, find ways to use new tools to get their word out, like this one.)
And more useful links....
do you know all the things Google can do? This page is only a start....
News, Public Records: no links this week.
Some Interesting stories/Weblogs:
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