This is the first complete weekly update. I'll be posting here the stuff that I used to post to the Website page. Notice all the links from the old page have been duplicated here on the left.
It's been a pretty easy progress, using Blogger. Starting up and updating is painless, but still helps to know HTML to customize your template. There were some moments of soul searching, as I debated the pros and cons: I like creating and updating my sites on my hard drive, not on the server (I've always done with both our newsroom Intranet and my personal site); It lets me preview and proofread before I post, and I usually do that a couple times before sending over. And, of course, the concern over whether the archives will always be available. I kept the old ones on my hard drive too, just in case, so want to figure out a way to store these.
I really like the clean simplicity of the new format, though. It was always a temptation with the website to try some new trick. I won't be doing that on the Blogger template nearly so much.
Next step: certainly to remove the ad banner. A couple of options, including a just-annouced Blogspot Plus option that includes Web hosting among the pluses: a chance to get rid of the separate website altogether, including 25 mb for $50/yr. A good deal, but not for me...yet.
So stay tuned for the changes.
Interesting Stories and Weblogs:
Public Records
It's been a pretty easy progress, using Blogger. Starting up and updating is painless, but still helps to know HTML to customize your template. There were some moments of soul searching, as I debated the pros and cons: I like creating and updating my sites on my hard drive, not on the server (I've always done with both our newsroom Intranet and my personal site); It lets me preview and proofread before I post, and I usually do that a couple times before sending over. And, of course, the concern over whether the archives will always be available. I kept the old ones on my hard drive too, just in case, so want to figure out a way to store these.
I really like the clean simplicity of the new format, though. It was always a temptation with the website to try some new trick. I won't be doing that on the Blogger template nearly so much.
Next step: certainly to remove the ad banner. A couple of options, including a just-annouced Blogspot Plus option that includes Web hosting among the pluses: a chance to get rid of the separate website altogether, including 25 mb for $50/yr. A good deal, but not for me...yet.
So stay tuned for the changes.
This week's links include more Terrorism and Sept 11 links to add to the Terrorism links page:
- Global Coalition against terrorism: Media Guide from State Dept.
- War of the Worlds fascinating article in The Guardian speculating that al Qaeda may have originated with Asimov's Foundation. (note: Qaeda may also mean 'database'.)
- More Sept 11/WTC/Ground Zero links from Librarians' Index to the Internet.
- Terrorism Answers, from the Council on foreign relations; also: buzz words glossary from, has 9/11 and terrorism definitions.
- Target: Iraq from Global Security, this great military analysis site has pulled together data needed for the invasion scenario...
- A Changed World Christian Science Monitor's daily links to news on terrorism and Sept. 11 around the world.
- War on terrorism restricts information flow, from Among states surveyed: Florida.
- NewsWatch from San Francisco State U., features special links for covering Sept 11 anniversary stories, lots more on news and media, and a Style Guide on diversity issues.
Interesting Stories and Weblogs:
- Class of 2006 Mindset list find out what today's youth think about the world, from Beloit College's annual list. Samples: 30. Ozzy's lifestyle has nothing to do with the Nelson family.
31. Women have always had tattoos.
32. Vanessa Williams and Madonna are aging singers.
33. Perrier has always come in flavors.
34. Cherry Coke has always come in cans. - Internet Legal Research Weekly has useful links and news. You can subscribe to get it by email. Also: Inter Alia, the Weblog.
- St. Pete Times study of community service programs finds that many convicts never do the work.
- St. Pete Times story about 50,000 traffic tickets the county 'forgot' to ship to state.
- if you like LONG lists of born on this day/died on this day/news on this day, this site's for you.
- timeline of events in Great Britain 800-1499. Includes lots of special features like 3d representations of buildings.
- Popular baby names latest list, from 2001, from Social Security Administration.
- Jewish Encyclopedia
- Historic baseball
- Geography IQ a world atlas with a currency converter, country rankings. As with many of these tools, the country profiles and maps appear to be from CIA World Factbook.
- New Zealand place names database great search tool.
- a quick converter for those tricky measurements.
- C-Span Booknotes now has a search of past programs.
- AMUReprints search database of cartoons, features from Universal Press Syndicate. Doonesbury, Cathy, Oliphant, Bizarro.....
- Extreme Weather Sourcebook from the folks at U.Colo.
- Lawyer Express new site from the folks who did CEO Express and Journalist Express. Quick useful links for attorneys. (But may be useful for the rest of us, too.)
- Tyndall Report monitors news coverage of terrorism issues.
- Guerrilla News Network
- The International Sentinel a weblogger highlights interesting news from around the world.
- Miami-Dade County: Performing Arts Center site includes a photo gallery of construction and the Sears building pre-construction.
Public Records
- Plain Dealer: Right to Know nice links to information about government and rights to public records and meetings. A very useful service to a newspaper's readers. Note Doug Clifton photo and letter.....
- Questionable Doctors the database of disciplined doctors from Public Citizen. Florida now among states available; many more states yet to come.
- NAA: Facts about newspapers, 2001 statistics, circulation data, etc.
- United Nations Human Development Report, 2002
- Reporter's Back to School guide to education statistics from Natl Center for Eductaion Statistics.
- Who's your Neighbor? interesting analysis of California Census data on residential segregation and diversity.
- Whatis?com find definitions of technology terms. Also here: a listing of "every file format in the world", pronunciation, lots of neat reference files like country codes, emoticons, phone numbers...
- JAlbum free photo organizing software: create HTML albums of your photos. Recommended by Scout Report.
- Leadership Directories: 2002 Candidates free access to profiles of Congressional and gubernatorial candidates online.
- TRAC report: Federal Judges a new service analyzes individual judges' actions.
- Transparency International released its latest list of most corrupt nations (Nigeria, Bangladesh on top) today.
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