I'm thinking this new weblog may replace the old one, retaining my personal files there.
So meanwhile, a transistion between the old and the new?
Yesderday was the actual anniversary of the arrival of Hurricane Andrew. It's been a week or so of remembering, since The Herald started running commemorative stories last Sunday. Nice packages in the St. Petersburg Times and Sun-Sentinel, also. Although the bulk of the storm hit south of us, we got some pretty terrifying winds at our house (about a mile south of the National Hurricane Center offices at the time, where the rooftop radar clocked something like 156 mph winds before blowing away). Our damage? 2 days without a Miami Herald, 7 days without mail, 11 days without electricity and drinking water, 42 days without a permanent phone connection, even longer without cable. I kept track. Amazing to think of it now.
Some Andrew links; and a couple new useful sites found this week: Coastal population and hurricanes: look up a county and find how population has increased and number, date and category of hurricane strikes. From NOAA. Also: History of Florida Hurricanes Powerpoint slides for a study done at Florida Institute of Technology; FLORIDA CASE STUDY: ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF BUSINESS CLOSURES IN HURRICANE PRONE COUNTIES : new report from Insurance Information Institute.
News Research News: Two good cases of news researchers' compilations being made available to a wider audience this week: In the first, Gary Price posted the West Nile Virus links which Tim Rozgonyi at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette had sent to the newslib-l mailing list, on the Freepint server. And Jessica Baumgart posted September 11th Resources on the News Librarians' (SLA News Division) site. Many links are compiled from messages researchers sent to the listserv, a wonderful service from Jessica and collaborators. Thanks so much.
Since so many 9/11 links showed up this week, I'm posting them here, too, although these may very well also be on the SLA/news site, and/or already on my terror links page:
- Sept 11th news and links from Yahoo! Full Coverage.
- Firehouse.com Terror attacks info info on firefighters/rescue workers, victim info, etc.
- September 11th info for kids
- Purportal: 9/11 scams and rumors.
- Guide to covering 9/11 anniversary from Poynter.
- NIST and the World Trade Center: report on investigation of the collapse from National Institute for Standards and Technology.
- Running Toward Danger site for the upcoming book on 9/11 by the Newseum, has stories from journalists who were there, and CNN clips from the day.
- New York City Fire Department: McKinsey report on 9/11 and preparedness.
- 911DigitalArchive.org keeping people's stories, emails, and other memories of the attack...
I was browsing the Virtual Gumshoe site this week, and clicked on the link explaining why they're no longer called Webgator. Seems someone hijacked their site by buying their domain name and now claims he's also bought all their links and that they're violating his copyright. What gall. Now I understand why I got that email from them a few months back requesting address change on the links. I changed one but discovered I still had a link to WebGator on one of the pages. If you've bookmarked it, change it. The folks at Virtual Gumshoe are the real deal, and it remains one of the best backgrounding/public records/people finding directories out there.
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